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Right before every slam dunk, the best photographers in the world focus-up and fire-away in hopes to capture history. Just about every shot has been powered by Speedotron for the last 50 years!
The highest quality studio lighting in the world since 1939
Right before every slam dunk, the best photographers in the world focus-up and fire-away in hopes to capture history. Just about every one of them is powered by Speedotron.
The fastest, most powerful photographic lighting system in the world
Photo by James Schmelzer Ask any pro who has ever used one. Its the most durable, reliable lighting system you'll ever own.
The life of a Speedotron is measured in decades. Ask any pro who has ever used one. Speedotron is the most durable, reliable lighting system you'll ever own.
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Photo by James Schmelzer The highest quality studio lighting in the world since 1939
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Number one in controlled, accurate and repeatable light since 1939
Photo by Enrico Pavia Dream studio featuring 10,000 watts of Speedotron lighting
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20,000 watt studio by Enrico Pavia featuring 4 Speedotron 4800 power supplies
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